Welcome to Gallery Star!

Gallery Star is a set of tools for organizing and promoting your gallery.

Gallery Star helps you keep track of people and art works using lists which are searchable and can be sorted into groups.


The "People" list holds everyone relevant to your gallery. You can create groups such as artists, collectors, gallery visitors, journalists, colleagues, or any group that is useful to your sorting needs.


When you sell a work, Gallery Star will create an invoice (in PDF format, suitable for printing or emailing) including an image of each work sold. Sales records can be exported as a spreadsheet for your bookkeeper.


You can create online viewings to share images with one or many people -- without the hassle of emailing large files.


Works can be grouped into shows, representing exhibits at your gallery or at other locations. You can print or email a PDF price list (with images) for each show.


The "Works" list tracks your gallery's art works. You can store images of the work and details about materials, pricing, provenance, availability, location and more.

Continuing Development

We're working on new features to promote your gallery, and organize shows. Please join us in our support community to help us design these features (or propose new ones!)

Features to promote your gallery:

Features to organize art shows:

If you have suggestions or run into problems, you can always reach us with questions or suggestions via the Feedback tab on the right side of the page.

Thanks again for trying Gallery Star!

Amy & Brian Jenkins